Saturday, 11 September 2010

Understanding difference

Here is an excellent explanation of the differences between Italy and the rest of Europe.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Trying to live the God way Inspite of, despite of and because of the church

Today we launch the english speaking service @Via de' Benci (if you've missed the publicity then pop over to and if you're in Florence, see you at 7pm!).

It is fair to say that the summer has been frustrating because the italian church simply disappears up mountains and to the coast - living the poor pastor to sweat it out in the city! (actually we did well by taking holiday in July and going to Sinodo in August). It means that I have barely spoken to the congregation for 2 months, and not seen some of them for 3 months. It kinda makes you ask: why I am here? why I am bothering?

So hopefully September brings us another fresh start, a new way of working and being in contact. John Cooper pointed out this blog - Journey through the field of life - so thanks to tractorgirl for this reminder, rallying call and realism.

I am old skool

because I sit in church on a Sunday morning

I am old skool

because I am immersed in the culture

I am old skool

because I’m not “dechurched” or ”unchurched”

I am old skool

because I like to sing “And Can it be”

I am old skool

because I’m doing the “trad” LPT training

I am old skool

because I believe the church belongs to God, but also all those within it

I am old skool

because I like pews and structure

I am old skool

because I’ve moved on from a desire

to be part of a “post-evo”, “emerging” collective

And settled happily into “the mainstream”

Yet I am new skool

because I live on the net; blogging, social networking and generally surfing

I am new skool

because I network with peeps within and beyond

I am new skool

because I live inclusivity

I am new skool

because I look and live “out there”

I am new skool

because I have chosen to cut the crap

I am new skool

because I recognise that the church will die

if we don’t do something

and so am ready to step out of the box

I am beyond your collectives and emerging vision

I am not cool

I simply believe in worship and mission

I’ll work with you and network with you

Whether you’re young or old

New skool or old skool

I am one of the many

Faceless, nameless mixing it up

Trying to live the God way

Inspite of, despite of and because of

the church

Friday, 3 September 2010

Really sad that we missed Greenbelt this year - again! We did instead spend time in beautiful Torre Pellice for the Methodist-Waldensian "sinodo" (aka Conference), but the coffee stall was a poor substitute for the Tiny Tea Tent! So, instead, this poem has evoked the sights (and smells) of GB 2010.