Thursday 2 October 2008

Being checked out

I've discovered that having an appointment with a psychologist is a bit strange, really. In order to prove that Robin and I are fit and healthy for the rigours of the Italian life, we've booked appointments with Interhealth - a charity that specialises in other the health and welfare of other charity's workers. It is standard practice, although I would think that for people setting off to Africa, far from medical treatments, it is more important than those of us staying in Western Europe. Hopefully, nothing has been discovered -and Robin will also get a clean bill of health next week (although....!)

Talking about yourself for an hour or so is not that exciting - but it did remind me just how blessed I have been, with family, friends, and with Robin. It also reminds me that whilst I can rationalise not living in the same country (we'll probably see more of our parents and siblings when they come and visit, compared to the occasional days now), it will still put a large gap between us. This will be OK, as we both have the firm foundation of our loving upbringings to build on. So - thanks Mum & Dad! and yes even - thanks sis!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "even thanks sis!?! I'm brilliant me, think how boring and dull you would childhood if I hadn't have been there to chase you with worms, nick your clothes, call you "Ally" or spell your name Aislon, laugh at your hair, make you play Barbies and My Little Pony....